Pleated shades provide a warm sophisticated look for the windows in your home. With the pleated structure of the shade you receive a window treatment with more depth than a traditional roller shade. Pleated shades have numerous fabric styles that can compliment the decor of any room.
Pleated shades are available in 1 and 2 inch pleats. One inch pleats are very popular as the pleats scale well both in small and large windows. The 2 inch pleat provides the home owner with a more dramatic, and bolder look at the window. Pleated shades are available in sheer, opaque, and room darkening fabrics. This variety of opacity allows Pleated shades to work in every room of the house. Pleated shades are also very practical as they are light weight. The light weight nature of the shade makes them easy to raise and lower – even in large windows. Pleated shades can also be stacked tightly, thereby almost disappearing from view in the window.
Pleated shades are available with standard cords, cordless lift systems, continuous loop, and automated controls! Today’s Pleated shades can also be made so the pleat never fades or weakens in time. The pleated materials are easy to maintain, keep clean, and are mildew resistant. See for yourself and get started now or call Change of Blinds at 204.668.4635 to schedule a free in-home consultation!
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